
Supermarket Simulator – Financial Guide

This is just a simple guide on roughly what it will cost to stock your store based on the pack sizes of each item and the available shelves. The cost price of each item does go up and down as it should based of the in-game market system, so the financials are an approximate estimation based off where I am in the game, level 15. This guide is incomplete as I am updating the guide as my progress in game continues. So, expect this guide to change drastically as time goes on. This guide will also allow you to plan and structure your business correctly in regard to the logistics of your stock control and financial planning and budgeting.

Items & Pack Size:

To understand this simple guide, please note that I am basing the financials off how I am stocking my shelves, I use 4 shelves on 1 facing to stock 1 type of item and based off that concept and the pack size of each item I have created the following financials guide for my own reference and for anybody that may want to copy the same concept.

Items & Pack Size per Box:

  • Aotte Bottled Water – 16 Units
  • Bio Eggs – 12 Units
  • Bonbek Candy – 12 Units
  • Bourlait Milk – 8 Units
  • Chebon Wine – 12 Units
  • Chokipik Cereal – 12 Units
  • Cola Soda – 24 Units
  • Comte Cheese – 9 Units
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Mozzarella Di Bafala Campana – 9 Units
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Parmigiano Reggiana Dop – 9 Units
  • Elo Pasta Spaghetti – 8 Units
  • Farine Flour – 8 Units
  • Jack Sublett Whiskey – 12 Units
  • Kaya Shampoo – 12 Units
  • Kraftug Flour – 8 Units
  • Lespieds Oil – 12 Units
  • Lubalaine Salt – 16 Units
  • Lustupacru Basmati Rice – 10 Units
  • Narvalo Coffee Dark Roast – 8 Units
  • Panzati Pasta – 8 Units
  • PB’s Peanut Butter – 12 Units
  • Poudon Toilet Paper – 4 Units
  • Prairie Cake – 18 Units
  • Ron’s Sliced Bread – 12 Units
  • Savion Hand Soap – 12 Units
  • Stark Tuna – 16 Units
  • Suzu Powdered Sugar – 12 Units
  • Teaplace Black Tea – 20 Units
  • Touprop Cleaner – 12 Units
  • Tupiges Olive Oil – 12 Units
  • Vin’s Chips – 16 Units
  • Zap Soda – 12 Units

Cost Per Unit:

These cost prices will obviously be different as many items prices go up and down daily, I have based these cost prices off my current game and where I am based off my level, which is level 15. When I say cost per unit, I am referring to the cost per each one of the items in a box, so if there are 12 loaves of bread in a box and the cost is $1,17; I am referring to the cost of 1 loaf in a box.

  • Aotte Bottled Water – $1,11
  • Bio Eggs – $1,88
  • Bonbek Candy – $2,27
  • Bourlait Milk – $1,72
  • Chebon Wine – $8,98
  • Chokipik Cereal – $3,99
  • Cola Soda – $1,15
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Mozzarella Di Bafala Campana – $6,34
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Parmigiano Reggiana Dop – $5,14
  • Elo Pasta Spaghetti – $3,85
  • Farine Flour – $3,99
  • Jack Sublett Whiskey – $17,99
  • Kaya Shampoo – $3,67
  • Kraftug Flour – $4,04
  • Lespieds Oil – $4,23
  • Lubalaine Salt – $0,75
  • Lustupacru Basmati Rice – $3,95
  • Narvalo Coffee Dark Roast – $7,63
  • Panzati Pasta – $1,96
  • PB’s Peanut Butter – $2,95
  • Poudon Toilet Paper – $19,99
  • Prairie Cake – $1,45
  • Ron’s Sliced Bread – $1,17
  • Savion Hand Soap – $1,99
  • Stark Tuna – $4,89
  • Suzu Powdered Sugar – $1,15
  • Teaplace Black Tea – $2,75
  • Touprop Cleaner – $2,92
  • Tupiges Olive Oil – $2,99
  • Vin’s Chips – $3,45
  • Zap Soda – $1,30

Cost Per Box:

This is an approximate on how much it will cost to purchase 1 box of each of these items.

  • Aotte Bottled Water – $17,76
  • Bio Eggs – $22,56
  • Bonbek Candy – $27,24
  • Bourlait Milk – $13,76
  • Chebon Wine – $107,76
  • Chokipik Cereal – $47,88
  • Cola Soda – $27,60
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Mozzarella Di Bafala Campana – $57,06
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Parmigiano Reggiana Dop – $46,26
  • Elo Pasta Spaghetti – $30,80
  • Farine Flour – $31,92
  • Jack Sublett Whiskey – $215,88
  • Kaya Shampoo – $44,04
  • Kraftug Flour – $32,32
  • Lespieds Oil – $50,76
  • Lubalaine Salt – $12,00
  • Lustupacru Basmati Rice – $39,50
  • Narvalo Coffee Dark Roast – $61,04
  • Panzati Pasta – $15,68
  • PB’s Peanut Butter – $35,40
  • Poudon Toilet Paper – $79,96
  • Prairie Cake – $26,10
  • Ron’s Sliced Bread – $14,04
  • Savion Hand Soap – $23,88
  • Stark Tuna – $78,24
  • Suzu Powdered Sugar – $13,80
  • Teaplace Black Tea – $55,00
  • Touprop Cleaner – $35,04
  • Tupiges Olive Oil – $35,88
  • Vin’s Chips – $55,20
  • Zap Soda – $15,60

Number of Shelves:

I use 4 shelve levels per 1 single facing to stock 1 of each item in a vertical row.

  • Aotte Bottled Water – 5 Shelf Levels
  • Bio Eggs – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Bonbek Candy – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Bourlait Milk – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Chebon Wine – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Chokipik Cereal – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Cola Soda – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Mozzarella Di Bafala Campana – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Don Bernardo Cheese – Parmigiano Reggiana Dop – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Elo Pasta Spaghetti – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Farine Flour – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Jack Sublett Whiskey – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Kaya Shampoo – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Kraftug Flour – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Lespieds Oil – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Lubalaine Salt – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Lustupacru Basmati Rice – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Narvalo Coffee Dark Roast – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Panzati Pasta – 4 Shelf Levels
  • PB’s Peanut Butter – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Poudon Toilet Paper – 5 Shelf Levels
  • Prairie Cake – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Ron’s Sliced Bread – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Savion Hand Soap – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Stark Tuna – 5 Shelf Levels
  • Suzu Powdered Sugar – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Teaplace Black Tea – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Touprop Cleaner – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Tupiges Olive Oil – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Vin’s Chips – 4 Shelf Levels
  • Zap Soda – 4 Shelf Levels

Finance Spreadsheet:

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