Star and Stripes has just made her appearance but it seems that the number 1 hero of the United States of America is about to get tested by the main antagonist of the My Hero Academia series. In the latest manga chapter of Boku no Hero Academia, the cliffhanger sees how Shigaraki, who is standing on the back of a flying Nomu, appeared in front of Star and Stripes.
The United States of America’s number one hero’s Quirk hasn’t been revealed yet, but it seems that her abilities are one of the keys for All for One’s agenda. Before we see Shigaraki welcomes Star and Stripes, the manga revealed an interesting plot for the world’s strongest woman. During the conversation between All for One and Spinner, the villain revealed his plans to take Star and Stripes’ Quirk. All for One revealed that they would be in trouble if Star and Stripes were to intervene. However, if he was able to take her Quirk, referring to Star and Stripes’ Quirk, the rest of his plans will be history.
The arrival of the United States of America’s strongest hero is already expected by the heroes in Japan. However, they were surprised to see the unexpected appearance of Tomura Shigaraki. Just before Star and Stripes enter Japan’s airspace, Endeavor suddenly appeared and told Hawks that Shigaraki arrived. But unlike his appearance, Shigaraki shows himself in front of Star and Stripes.

The strong-willed Star and Stripes seem to be excited to see a guy meeting her in the sky. While she still doesn’t know who was the man in front of her, Star and Stripes already acknowledge his presence and asked Shigaraki if he was the villain they call AFO. Instead of getting the exact answer, Shigaraki answered Star and Stripes with another question.